Repair/Restore Missing Windows OS Files Damaged by Malware with a few clicks WHQL involves a company running a series of tests and submitting their results to Microsoft. In some cases, Microsoft may also run tests. The purpose of this is to ensure that the hardware is compatible with Windows. WHQL involves a company running a series of tests and submitting their results to Microsoft. In some cases, Microsoft may also run tests. The purpose of this is to ensure that the hardware is compatible with Windows. Rc scoring pro manual software. Sharp print drivers are seamlessly integrated with Microsoft Windows® OS and their popular applications such as Microsoft Office® for an excellent printing experience. The test processes of the Windows Hardware Quality Labs and the WHQL tests include that a certain test series with hardware or software from third-party manufacturers / third-party providers is not carried out by Microsoft, of course then these tests are then checked by Microsoft. WQHL was developed to do good for Microsoft and ultimately for the customer. This abbreviation stands for Windows Hardware Quality Labs, it is a Microsoft test process that was, of course, introduced by Microsoft, but not developed (in practice, simply handing over responsibility).