Especially for Btech JNTU Students! I want to install MASM in my 64-bit machine on Windows 7. I searched over Google and found videos in which all are suggesting to install Dosbox at first. And I also found the link on msdn for MASM but there written (what I understood) that Visual Studio must be installed before installing MASM. I guess, Microsoft make it harder to use MASM now.


Assembles and links one or more assembly-language source files. The command-line options are case-sensitive.

For more information on ml64.exe, see MASM for x64 (ml64.exe).


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ML [options] filename [ [options] filename]

ML64 [options] filename [ [options] filename] .. [/link link_options]


The options listed in the following table.

/ATEnables tiny-memory-model support. Enables error messages for code constructs that violate the requirements for .com format files. This option isn't equivalent to the .MODELTINY directive.
Not available in ml64.exe.
/BlfilenameSelects an alternate linker.
/cAssembles only. Does no linking.
/coffGenerates common object file format (COFF) type of object module. Required for Win32 assembly language development.
Not available in ml64.exe.
/CpPreserves case of all user identifiers.
/CuMaps all identifiers to upper case (default).
Not available in ml64.exe.
/CxPreserves case in public and extern symbols.
/Dsymbol⟦=valueDefines a text macro with the given name. If value is missing, it's blank. Multiple tokens separated by spaces must be enclosed in quotation marks.
/EPGenerates a preprocessed source listing (sent to STDOUT). See /Sf.
/ERRORREPORT [ NONE | PROMPT | QUEUE | SEND ]Deprecated. Error reporting is controlled by Windows Error Reporting (WER) settings.
/FhexnumSets stack size to hexnum bytes (the same as /link /STACK:number). The value must be expressed in hexadecimal notation. There must be a space between /F and hexnum.
/FefilenameNames the executable file.
/FlfilenameGenerates an assembled code listing. See /Sf.
/FmfilenameCreates a linker map file.
/FofilenameNames an object file. For more information, see Remarks.
/FPiGenerates emulator fix-ups for floating-point arithmetic (mixed language only).
Not available in ml64.exe.
/FrfilenameGenerates a source browser .sbr file.
/FRfilenameGenerates an extended form of a source browser .sbr file.
/GcSpecifies use of FORTRAN- or Pascal-style function calling and naming conventions. Same as OPTION LANGUAGE:PASCAL.
Not available in ml64.exe.
/GdSpecifies use of C-style function calling and naming conventions. Same as OPTION LANGUAGE:C.
Not available in ml64.exe.
/GZSpecifies use of __stdcall function calling and naming conventions. Same as OPTION LANGUAGE:STCALL.
Not available in ml64.exe.
/HnumberRestricts external names to number significant characters. The default is 31 characters.
Not available in ml64.exe.
/helpCalls QuickHelp for help on ML.
/IpathnameSets path for include file. A maximum of 10 /I options is allowed.
/nologoSuppresses messages for successful assembly.
/omfGenerates object module file format (OMF) type of object module. /omf implies /c; ML.exe doesn't support linking OMF objects.
Not available in ml64.exe.
/SaTurns on listing of all available information.
/safesehMarks the object as either containing no exception handlers or containing exception handlers that are all declared with .SAFESEH.
Not available in ml64.exe.
/SfAdds first-pass listing to listing file.
/SlwidthSets the line width of source listing in characters per line. Range is 60 to 255 or 0. Default is 0. Same as PAGE width.
/SnTurns off symbol table when producing a listing.
/SplengthSets the page length of source listing in lines per page. Range is 10 to 255 or 0. Default is 0. Same as PAGE length.
/SstextSpecifies text for source listing. Same as SUBTITLE text.
/SttextSpecifies title for source listing. Same as TITLE text.
/SxTurns on false conditionals in listing.
/TafilenameAssembles source file whose name doesn't end with the .asm extension.
/wSame as /W0/WX.
/WlevelSets the warning level, where level = 0, 1, 2, or 3.
/WXReturns an error code if warnings are generated.
/XIgnore INCLUDE environment path.
/ZdGenerates line-number information in object file.
/ZfMakes all symbols public.
/ZiGenerates CodeView information in object file.
/ZmEnablesM510 option for maximum compatibility with MASM 5.1.
Not available in ml64.exe.
/ZpalignmentPacks structures on the specified byte boundary. The alignment can be 1, 2, or 4.
/ZsPerforms a syntax check only.
/?Displays a summary of ML command-line syntax.

The name of the file.

The link options. For more information, see Linker options.


Some command-line options to ML and ML64 are placement-sensitive. For example, because ML and ML64 can accept several /c options, any corresponding /Fo options must be specified before /c. The following command-line example illustrates an object file specification for each assembly file specification:

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Environment Variables

Masm 64
INCLUDESpecifies search path for include files.
MLSpecifies default command-line options.
TMPSpecifies path for temporary files.

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See also

ML Error Messages
Microsoft Macro Assembler Reference